
Recife Baptisms 1633-1654

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Saved by Liz Johnson
on May 30, 2009 at 7:46:32 pm



Baptisms of the Dutch in Brasil (1633-1654)


"Een doopregister der Hollanders in Brazilië" transcribed by C. J. Wasch

in Algemeen Nederlandsch familieblad,

Vol. V (1888), serialized, beginning on pages 141, 169, 197, 225, 253.

Following in Vol. VI, (1889), beginning on pages 1, 25, 49, 73.


The baptism registers are online:


Vol V: 



Vol. VI: 





Index made by Cor Snabel


Index of the adults; parents and sponsors, excl. children and slaves

Key:   P = parent  |  S = sponsor  |  B = baptized adult 




KLMa-MeMi-MyNOPa-PiPl-QRSa-SoSp-SyTVW-ZAdults baptized



How to use this index 


You will need to access the Brazil baptism registers, either on Googlebooks (at the links above) or use your issues of "New Netherland Connections" magazine where these baptism registers were recently republished. Then use the alphabatical links on this page here to find your family, surname, parents or baptism sponsors (witnesses) in this index.


The baptized children are not in this index, because in many cases it is not clear what surname or patronymic to use. The surname or patronymic of the parents and sponsors can be found in the alphabetic index. The left side shows on which date(s) he or she was involved in a baptism and in what role; as a parent (P) or as a baptism sponsor (S). These dates refer to the actual baptisms on the 41 pages that can be found online (see above). From 24 February 1640 till 31 December 1640 no dates were entered. The baptisms without any date are from loose notes found in the church-book without being entered and are assumed to have passed in 1647, 1648 or 1649.


A lot of names are spelled in various ways, and although it's often obvious that it concerns one and the same individual, I left the spelling as it was transcribed by the author, so this index needs some creative searching. Only in a few cases I made some reference to deviate spellings.


With thanks to Liz Johnson for putting up this website.


Cor Snabel



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